Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Christmas Wins

Holidays are wonderful.  Most are filled with food, family, and fellowship.  Each holiday is filled with its own traditions, settings, and spirit.  The romantic would probably side with Valentine's Day, while the lone soul would side with any other one besides Valentine's Day.  Food lovers would prefer Thanksgiving over the others, but the Turkey Rights activist would rather celebrate any other holiday.  Easter and Christmas are valued because of their religious factors, and New Year's and Halloween have special entertainment factors involved.  All of these are meant to bring people together and spread positive vibes.  In my opinion, Christmas wins out every single time.  Disclaimer: This is coming from a Huntington University college student.  By the time Christmas rolls around, finals are over.  There is no homework looming directly over our heads.  We get to return home to our families and focus on them only, no homework whatsoever. Life is easier.  Now where shall I begin on why I enjoy Christmas above all else?  Let's start with the music.  There are a plethora of songs devoted just to this holiday.  You really do not see that with any of the other holidays.  Song of which are filled with love, joy, and plenty of spirit to go around.  Also, the religious reason for Christmas is definitely something to get excited about.  We are talking about the birth of Jesus Christ by the virgin Mary.  Besides Easter, this is one of the biggest days for believers, our Savior was born!  Let's just to Christmas Day.  The tree is up, presents are under the tree, the stockings have little gifts inside, and everyone is wearing a huge smile.  No one is ever in a bad mood on Christmas, it is almost impossible.  That morning is spent by giving and receiving, thank you's and you're welcome's, and a whole lot of love.  That is what Christmas is all about.
Image result for christmas

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