Tuesday, December 6, 2016

"Badass Messiah"

The reading today focused on the differences between Neo and Jesus. Now, I have to agree that most people prefer a messiah like Neo. I mean, look at the Jews. They wanted a general, a leader that would rise up and overthrow the Romans. They wanted their nation to be restored to its former glory. Jesus, however, was not interested in that. Instead, he looks toward something that most of us cannot see, and some of us don't care about as much.

However much what I feel clashes with how Jesus wants his followers to live, I think that it's absolutely necessary for Christ to have been the type of messiah he was. If he was like Neo, then there would be no Christian faith today. The focus he had on a heavenly kingdom was what inspired his disciples, in my opinion, and gave their message the longevity to eventually spread throughout the world and influence millions of people.

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