Friday, December 9, 2016

Analog vs Digital

    If one or your passions is music, you may have eventually tried to trow out a few beats yourself. Whether you successfully sculpted that dank beat or not is up to you. If you do get into the music production process, you with undoubtably run into this little underground debate that's been going on for decades. Analog vs digital in music production.
    There was once a time in music were analog was the only option available. You didn't have a choice. You were forced to take your patch cables and cords and create a sound that you wanted through what was essentially big metal boxes with circuitry hidden inside of them. These are referred nowadays as analog, something that was physical and you could touch. Whether it was synths, effects, tape recorders, or mixing consoles. You had to physically interact with the knobs and switches for them to perform properly.
       Eventually digital effects and instruments started becoming for popular with the rise in availably of computing power. Now instead of needing to dedicate an entire room or even an entire building to the equipment that was needed, all you really needed was a laptop. No cables no switches. There wasn't necessarily any immediate way to interact with the equipment. This in turn resulted in new people coming to music that may not have ever done so if digital wasn't a thing. Many of these digital effects were completely their own monsters, some simple, some far more complex than hardware could ever be. Then there were the ones who emulated hardware, just as you would emulate an old game console on your computer. To the untrained ear the difference between hardware and software is really nonexistent. The "feel" of hardware was traded for something a little more convenient, but hardware is not lost like most vintage technology. It continues to be improved on and maybe even used more than it had in the past, because of all the people that digital brought to music in the first place.

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