Saturday, December 10, 2016

Why Micheal Cera is the most relatable actor (in my opinion)

I feel Micheal Cera has there rolls of this guy who is just really shy and awkward, which may seem weird for me to relate to for some people. I say to those people just see me at a party with a crap ton of people I don't know. I am the most shy person in most situations but the most open person with people I am friends with. Micheal Cera also plays this role of a guy who is so shy and awkward which I can relate to because I am shy and awkward. Youth in Revolt is the most relatable of his movies, he is a guy who lives with his mom and her latest boyfriend and just doesn't feel like he will ever be in a relationship. Then his family goes on a trip go on a trip and he meets this girl who is just right for him and he doesn't feel bad enough so he creates an bad persona to impress her. I think everyone who's like Micheal Cera's character experiences this feeling of shyness and awkwardness and want to be bad to impress girls. There are so many other movies but his characters personality is pretty consistent from movie to movie.

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