Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Exorcist (TV)


Show runner Jeremy Slater is quick to point out that "The Exorcist" is not a remake of William Friedkin’s 1973 classic.

"As a horror fan, nothing infuriates me faster than a remake that says, 'The movie you love no longer exists and the story you were invested in is wiped out of history,'" says Slater, previously known for writing thrillers including The Lazarus Effect and Pet as well as the ill-fated Fantastic Four.

"We have our little nod to say, 'Don't worry. The events of the movie and book still took place.' But we're telling a brand new story with new characters 40 years later. We just didn't want audiences to sit on the edge of their seat waiting for Father Merrin or Father Karras to show up."

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