Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Teamwork Part 2

Often times art is thought of as an independent concept.  Personal reasons for making art, creative freedom, and individual satisfaction are all valid points that agree with this thought.  Animation, on the other hand, is an art form that requires extreme amounts of teamwork and collaboration.  When I was in California for my internship, I sat in on a meeting of rounds.  A meeting of rounds is where all the animators, working on a certain movie, meet and present the work that they’ve been working on for the week.  The animation supervisor is there to give critiques, but I was surprised with a how much critique all the other animators were giving each other.  I was comfortable with this process, because of volleyball. I can work with a lot of different people and have them critique me without getting defensive.  The idea of being critiqued has always scared me, because I tend to take my art personally.  Though after experiencing a meeting of rounds, I know I’ll be able to handle it.  I credit this ability to work with others and receive criticism to playing volleyball for so long, and learning from my mistakes.  Teamwork is a huge part of the film industry, and I know my experiences with volleyball will make that part easier for me.   

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