Friday, December 9, 2016

Quiz 2

Storytelling and characterization is crucial to a good film. Co Hoedeman's Tchou Tchou does both of those key elements in a piece of attention-grabbing media without any words spoken. The playful boy and girl go from happy-go-lucky children to unlikely heroes of the block world by using their creativity to solve problems. As stated, the children are playful and creative, as well as very close to each other. The dragon-snake-thing has very little personality, but it is definitely the classic children's story villain by adopting the archetype and having a taste for destruction. The critters that can be seen flying and crawling around aren't the most important, but they provide extra interest in the action on screen and make the scene more natural. The failed attempts of running and hiding from the dragon only lead up to the morphing of the beast into an adorable reptilian train. Moral of the story is that creativity is a good assistant in problem solving and, as every creator knows, in storytelling.

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