Friday, December 9, 2016


Procrastination should be classified as an illness. If it was then maybe research would be done to have drugs that helped people overcome it. I already wrote about procrastination in one of my earlier blogs, but for this one I more want to get into the issue of procrastination. Procrastination for some people (like me) is actually a serious problem that they must overcome. The mind just thinks, why do it now when its not due until a week, or until two days, or even just tomorrow. There's no three step program to overcome this, it's really about just doing the work early even with your brain saying that it's not necessary. Procrastination is a pretty simple problem so it would seem that there would be a simple, easy solution. Coming up with a solution isn't how it would seem, however. I have been very bad with this, hence, me doing this blog now. I think that with procrastination it gets harder to do it successfully as life goes on.At least, That has been my experience so far, and that's how I know that I really have to make a change. I'm confident that I will slowly get out of procrastination, and I hope that others who have this problem will too.

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