Thursday, December 8, 2016


   For part one I decided to just give information, I wanted to make it a sort of sarcastic tone and just poke fun at the whole situation, because, admittedly that entire conspiracy is pretty outrageous. But, I decided against it and to simply say what happened, with perhaps a few exceptions, to avoid being     overly biased about the whole situation.
   This whole pizzagate incident really shows how easy it is for misinformation to spread across the internet. It’s so easy for any lie to become widespread across the internet. The pizzagate incident, unfortunately, was bound to happen. If say, the pizzagate conspiracy never caught on, another conspiracy or misinformation would in the future and would cause someone like Welch to do the same thing. Luckily, this time nobody got hurt. But, that’s not to say that in the future something that causes people to get injured won’t happen because of the internet.
   When dealing with things that matter to you on the internet, it’s important to check source, and to make sure that what’s being said isn’t just something that’s not backed up by any data at all. The power of the internet is scary really. Literally anyone can post anything and if it gets out there, millions of people can be fed misinformation and the effects of that are unknown.

This whole ordeal reminds me of a video I saw which perfectly discussed this issue and covers the myth of us eating 8 spiders in our sleep. This video really shows how easy it is for false information to be widespread throughout the entire web in an interesting way.

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