Friday, December 9, 2016

Paralympics pt 6

In the spring of 2016 was my final tournament: The NWBA National Tournament in Louisville, Kentucky. I had been there last year, but couldn’t play because I wasn’t registered with the NWBA yet, so I knew what to expect when you roll/ walk into the Expo Center and you see people in all shapes and sizes, with various disabilities, and from different backgrounds. This tournament is different from all other tournaments as the other tournaments I had played in were either just Varsity level or Prep and Varsity level. This time all of the age groups play in one venue. So, there were 4 groups of teams in one building: Varsity, Prep, Collegiate, and Adult. The tournament takes 4 days to complete. We started 10th and ended 10th, in my opinion not a bad season. In our last game, we played the Mary Free Bed Junior Pacers, which since our team sees them at every other tournament my team played in, some of my teammates became good friends with them. In the fourth quarter with like 7 seconds left my teammate Alex, who hadn’t thrown up a three in any of our other games, shot the basketball right behind the three-point line…. And … MADE IT! Yeah we were down by like 20 but HE MADE IT! The crowd went wild, both sides, Alex starts crying, his dad starts crying, it was just an amazing experience. Alex told me later that the Pacers were the first team he had ever played as a wheelchair basketball player. He also said that when he went into his shooting motion, he knew he was going to make it.

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