Friday, December 9, 2016

Myers Briggs Type Indicator


    There are an immense amount of personality tests out there and many of them just seem to be a mess. There are different was that people can interpret the same things. You may think you've figured out the reason someone would do something, but people are usually much more complicated than, "They were just feelings sad" or "They just wanted attention." People's actions are the result of a complex web of personality traits. How someone feels about something or the previous experience that someone has had with a certain situation can effect nearly every decision they make, for better or for worse. There are different interpretations of what these factors are. Most personality test try to make sense of these factors by giving them a name or definition. Needless to say these tests are imperfect and have issues of their own. You know, because they were created by humans holding their temples trying come up with a solution to why they are holding their temples. Thinking about the result of thinking, while thinking about thinking about the meaning behind all the thinking itself. It gets kind of mind numbingly complex at times, but that is why these test even exist in the first place.
   One of the most popular, and most commonly referred to in a professional setting, is one called the Myers Briggs Type Indicator or the MBTI. The test strives to determine what thought processes you lead with, and how they affect your decision making in you everyday life. It takes these functions and gives them a name and definition. Your results for the test will consist of a four letter "code." This "code" is what determines which category you fall into. There is a little controversy about how specific the test is and there are also different ways of taking it. The process can sometimes be broken and people's egos have a possibility of tampering with the results. So if you have taken the test or plan on doing so in the future, take your results with a grain of salt. Really think about it. Ask yourself, does this really sound like me or not? The results you get will probably surprise you in some way. It gives you a bit a insight into yourself and possibly the tools for being a bit more self-aware as life goes on. You might like your results or you might not. I definitely wasn't thrilled, but I at least learned something about myself in the process.

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