Saturday, December 10, 2016

Jungle Jail

The short animated film jungle jail started out with a man being escorted to his cell in prison and he seems terrified. From the start, he gets bullied and tossed around and nothing is getting easier until he comes across the biggest and the supposedly most dominant man in prison and is about to get annihilated until a bug of some sort appears on the other prisoner's shoulder and scares the bigger prisoner unconscious. It appeared that the smaller prisoner knocked him out unconscious to all the others, so the smaller prisoner just went with it and rode the wave. He used the small bug that the bigger prisoner was scared of as blackmail and caused terror in the prison for he was the man on top. As he seemed to be going over bored and getting to power hungry, it shows that from the time the prisoner was knocked unconscious until then was all in his imagination and as a result, he was still annihilated.    


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