Wednesday, December 7, 2016


I watch Gladiator, with Russell Crowe, one weekend while I was at home with my family and I must say it was very good movie. Not only does it entertain us but it also shows us some lessons if you look deep enough into the movie. For example, power corrupts shown time and time again throughout the movie by various people of power. But the one we see this most clearly in is Commodus, Joaquin Phoneix, when he kills his own father for rule of the empire, and then blames it on his father's favor general Maximus (Russell). Later in the movie when Commodus finds out Maximus is alive he tries many different things to try and kill him, and eventually goes as far as to enter the arena himself to fight Maximus. We can also see that even as a gladiator you need some friends, ones that will watch your back in the arena. We see this in the movie when Maximus and his newly found friends fight for their lives over and over again. We also see this when one of his friends thinks his food might be poisoned and tastes it for him before he himself eats from it. Something else we see is that people, for many years, have had the need to be entertained. We see this even more clearly thanks to Maximus' famous line in the movie, 'Are you not entertained?' announcing this boost shortly after causing the arena's spectators to go quite.
Image result for gladiator

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