Wednesday, October 12, 2016


  If it is true that we are just vapors on this earth, and that we will merely come and go without a trace, life would be worth so much more.  We are given a 70-80 yearlong adventure and it’s sad to think that people squander their time, or take it upon themselves to shorten it.  Referring back to my blog about enjoying the little things, having that mindset makes this life even more worth living. 
            I believe that it’s our job to make ourselves remembered even after we vanish.  Whether it’s only our close friends or family that remembers us, or a wide range of people, I think we should make it our goal to make an impact.  If we’re truly going to disappear at the end of all this why wouldn’t we make it count? Our lives should be meaningful and the ways we express it.  Whether we express it through art, music or dance, I believe it should mean something. 
            We’re given this window of just enough time to live a life worth living, so why would we waste it? Why would we create useless media or not express our lives at all? It’s important to live our lives like we’re mere vapors, because that’ll make this 70-80 years’ worth our while. 

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