Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Solitude is the state or situation of being alone. Many Christians today do not take any time for themselves because we live in a society that tells us to always be on the go. In class on Tuesday we watched a video about a man who lived in a time of solitude after losing his wife and his son. The man made the most of what he had and worked hard at everything he did. For a person living a so-called “normal” life, finding time for you every single day can sometimes be very difficult. We get caught up in the busyness of life and pick other things over having some alone time. As Christians, it is important that we have at least a few minutes a day to have time to rest in the presence of God. We can have many spiritual benefits from this spiritual discipline, such as peace, joy, relief, and comfort. A time of solitude can refresh a person and allow them to hear what God is speaking to their heart. In today’s society, it is so easy to watch Netflix, get on your cellphone, or do other things when we get a chance to have alone time. Jesus wants us to have that small time with him throughout our week so that we can grow closer to him and be refreshed for the next day.

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