Wednesday, October 12, 2016


We all remember where we were December 21, 2012, when the end of the world was supposed to hit us and wipe us out. Luckily as everybody knows we were lucky enough to survive that day. We even have proof of what happened on film. Those earthquakes, super volcanos, and floods should have been enough to destroy everything but somehow we survived. 

Most of us survived by going to China and going on the arks. But most of us found ways by going on top of high mountains near us. For me I flew to Britain for vacation right before the event and when everything started happening I managed to steal a plane and my entire family got on board and we managed to fly all the way to China with a few stops between. I hadn´t bought a ticket for the arks in China but I had hacked my way to a government site and read about them. When I got there I was almost kicked out of the tunnels but when panic started, my entire family and I managed to get on board. Living on board was tough but luckily it was a short stay.

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was well thought out and creative. I would have never thought to approach it the way you did. Well done.
