Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Fault in our Stars Review

The Fault in our Stars was a book and movie phenomenon that found its way into the hands and hearts of millions of teenage girls. While both the novel and the film have received multiple praises and critiques, this review will simply examine the real meanings behind the sentiments and emotions that surround The Fault in Our Stars.
The story opens with a teenage cancer patient, Hazel Grace Lancaster, that finds herself depressed and searching for some kind of joy that can be found in her somewhat normal life. She meets another young survivor, Augustus Waters, a charming boy that suddenly turns her world upside down. This is obviously what normally happens in most cheesy romance novels. The lines that surround the meaning of the novel are "Some infinities are simply bigger than other infinities" and "Perhaps 'okay' will be our always". These little lines are often over-quoted and by obnoxious little girls praying for a romance in their own lives. However, the line "some infinities are simply bigger than other infinities" is strangely profound. Some times in our lives simply last longer than others it seems. We tend to slow down the good parts, despite their realistic time frames, and try to shorten the bad times of our lives.
While this movie and novel receive ridicule for the young teenage girls that read it and romanticizing the cancer journey, it has some profound lines that mirror our own lives and the desire to slow down the good times in our lives.

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