Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Watching this film during class reminded me of how I was just like this little girl when I was a child. If things didn't go the way I wanted them to I would throw a huge tantrum, mess up anything I could get my hands on, etc. It was a real nightmare for my poor mother who had to deal with it for about ten years until I finally grew out of it.

Children let out their anger in this way because, as it was mentioned in class, they have not yet learned the many other ways in dealing with anger. A child's vocabulary and how they use it in the early stages of development, so when they can not figure out a way with how they are feeling they use their actions instead of their words. The film showed that it can get pretty hectic when a child is angry as the little girl messed up her bed, painted on her walls, and took her anger out on her teddy bear which we later see how much she really loved it. This can be applied to how we may deal with anger at our age. We get in fights with people whether they be our friends, family, or complete strangers; and possibly end up saying something nasty to them that you didn't really mean. It may have been in the heat of the moment, but the damage has already been done.

It's hard to be able to voice out at exactly what and why you're feeling the way you are. It gets frustrating which can only add fuel to the flames already made.  Use healthier ways in expressing how your feeling, don't bottle them up or else it'll blow up just like what the little girl had demonstrated.

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