Monday, October 10, 2016

Should Parents Censor their Children's Media?

Should parents censor their children’s media? In my opinion, the answer is yes. When I was growing up, everything I watched, read, or played with was censored. Not in a crazy or unreasonable manner, but my parents definitely valued what kind of information I was putting in my brain. Today I could not be more thankful that my parents censored the media that I watched and read. My parents understood that I would be exposed to enough things in school and out in the world in general. For example, they taught me that things such as R-rated movies aren’t necessarily “bad”, but rather not good for my spiritual growth. So in high school when I was asked to go to those movies, I made the choice not to. When I was at home, they wanted to fill my mind with Godly things. They taught me that the things I watch, look at, read, or play with all effect a young girl’s character. My parents wanted to instill in me a Godly character. I was not sheltered as a child, rather was I taught the value of a pure mind and spirit. We are all placed in this world and cannot control everything we are surrounded by and exposed to. As Christians, it is important to remember our main purpose in life is to live a life that would honor and glorify God and lead others to Jesus Christ. 

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