Monday, October 10, 2016

Censorship for Children's Media

The film Duel by Pavel Koutsky revolves around censorship of children's media. In the film, children move down an assembly line and are stuffed full of books, music and films that have been deemed appropriate by the censor, not allowing the child to choose what media he experiences. Now when children are very young, a certain amount of censoring is necessary. Young children don't need to be shown media that is violent or sexual in nature, but as they will eventually be exposed to these things, it's important that adults have an ongoing conversation with kids as they mature. Continued censorship by parents and institutions sends a messages to children and young adults: "You don't know what's good for you and we don't trust you to make the decisions yourself."
 Duel is about how adults use the tools of censorship to manufacture children into what they want, rather than eventually handing the tools over to the kids themselves. This causes the children in the film to rebel, destroying the censor's tools and watching anything and everything that they can get their hands on. The film ends with a single pair of scissors being put back together, suggesting that a little censoring is still in order, but it's up to the kids to make the decisions.

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