Monday, October 10, 2016

Locker Room Talk?

I am not a political guy nor will I ever really understand what is going on in the political realm.  I decided to watch the highlights of the debate last night and I was slightly offended on something Donald Trump said, imagine that.  Last week, some tapes came to light that included Trump saying offensive remarks about women when he was younger.  I will not get into specific details because this is a clean blog, but Trump said things that degraded women and he revealed some past encounters with women from the pageants that he was in charge of.  Sunday night, in reference to the Trump tapes, he defended his remarks by saying that it was "locker room talk."  No.  As an athlete of several teams in high school and now as an athlete in college, I have been in several locker rooms and with several different guys.  This kind of talk does not occur in locker rooms.  Of course, we talk about girls often but never in the way that Trump did. Sexual advances without consent will never be talk in a locker room that I am in.  Morals should never be forgotten when you're in a private area with close friends.  This should not be an excuse for his inexcusable behavior. I do not care if a guy is saying these remarks in an interview, at lunch, in a whisper, during a big event, or even in a locker room with other sweaty guys before they hop in the shower, these utterances cannot be part of our conversations or this world will be doomed.  Genesis 1:27 says "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."  This election needs more Jesus. 

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