Sunday, October 16, 2016


I am writing this reflection on the movie “Serena”.  In the movie, Bradley Cooper is in charge of a logging business in the Great Smoky Mountains.  The year is 1929 and Bradley Cooper meets a woman named Serena.  The two fall in love and end up getting married.  Soon after, Serena becomes pregnant with his child.  There is another woman in the town that has an infant boy.  It turns out that the boy is Bradley Cooper’s son that the two had out of wedlock.  Serena ends up having a miscarriage later in the movie and because vicious and envious of the other woman who is carrying around her husband’s child when she is left with nothing.

A widely controversial topic in today’s society is having sex and children out of wed lock.  The time that this movie is set in emphasizes this even more.  The church and people in the community frown upon it greatly.  Not to say that it is not the same today, but now-a-days it is slightly more accepted and tolerated by others.  We as Christians do not believe in this and are quick to judge those who are in this situation.  Overall, the movie “Serena” is a well written screenplay with great central themes.

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