Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sand Castle - Creation at its finest

As we began to watch Sand Castle in class, one thing began to spark my attention right away.  The man-like figure that was "playing" in the sand.  He began to create all different kinds of animals, and I began to wonder why he wasn't creating any other man or woman like himself.  Then the concept of the film hit me.  I realized that the film was representing a god-like figure that had created all other creatures.  Each creature had their own special ability in order to help build the "kingdom" or "castle" together as one.  The snake could burrow through the sand and make holes for air, the starfish could smooth out the sand, and the rock-figures could build the sand up with their strong hands.  To me this represents us as creations of God that are all built in our own unique ways and are all a valuable part in helping to further his Kingdom.  Towards the end of the film, it was interesting to me how the main figure helped all of his creatures into the castle and was the first to sense the dangerous sandstorm that was brewing ahead of them.  I related this to how God protects over us because of his eternal and unconditional love for us.  It was a sweet and unique film on portraying how creation was meant to be a good thing and live happily as one big family.

Image result for sand castle short film by co hoedeman

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