Sunday, October 16, 2016

Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time is an ABC show that uses the fairytales of almost everyone's childhood, as well as some new stories and weaves them together in an interesting way. The characters lives weave together in interesting ways and they all interact like they knew each other in their past lives in the Enchanted Forest. This show is a very interesting way to use the stories that we all already know and love and use them in a new and interesting way.
This show also plays deeply into the emotions of the audience. The ideas of family and hope are really evident throughout multiple episodes and throughout the plot of the whole show as well. Family plays a big part in what keeps the character together. They hold onto their relationships and their bond with each other to remember what is important and what is really important.
Hope is also a very important theme. Villains are obviously present throughout the show since it's based of characters. Although the villains are not always the people you would think, they often always try to make it look like there is no hope for the group of hers. However, hope remains. These ideas of family togetherness and the hope that endures is really the driving force throughout the duration of the show. It's really encouraging to see a show that is so focused on the idea of never giving up or not forgetting where you come from.

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