Thursday, October 13, 2016

Rise of Iron

A couple weeks ago Bungie released a game add-on to, their major hit Destiny, called the Rise of Iron. As someone who already owns and has played all of Bungies earlier releases of Destiny, I couldn't wait for this release to hit the market. When the game dropped I had purchased the game the day after, and I can say that it was not a let down. I was captured, and sucked into the game at the first cut-seen. With updated graphics, a new story line, and new weapons and challenges i was sucked in for hours. I learned that i have a lot of challenges that i need to complete from the new story line and from previous story lines. I have really enjoyed playing the game and with a friend of mine on campus. some days when we have nothing to do we will sit in my room and take turns playing Destiny, and we will sit there and play for hours. Being able to play this game with my friends and others and work together to reach a common goal has been a lot of fun and entertaining for me, and it is something for me that I will continue to keep playing with my friends as it brings us together and gives us yet another thing to talk about.
Image result for destiny rise of iron

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