Thursday, October 13, 2016

HU's visiting hours Pt. One

The other day I was looking at HU's visiting hours, trying to figure out a time when my girlfriend and I could get together and hang out. We both had a Wednesday evening free one week, however Wednesday open dorm hours is only two hours, 7-9, which is barley even enough time to watch a movie. And I don't know about any other couples around here but when I get to hang out with my girlfriend I like to spend more than just a couple hours with her. With my girlfriend not going to HU it is already really hard for us to see each other, and so when we both have a free evening we like to make the best of it. meaning we try to spend hours and hours together, and it is so hard to fit all of that time into just two hours. Two hours is not even a date! Nearly every since date I've been on has lasted more than two hours. The first date I went on with my girlfriend, we went out at 8pm and spent 7 hours just hanging out and talking and it was our favorite date we have ever had. Even now we spend 5 or more hours together just hanging out with each other! So how does HU expect couples to get the time they need to relate and grow closer to each other and to God when they only give their students two hours during the week to hang out together?

Image result for huntington university

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