Saturday, October 1, 2016

R-Ratings: Part One

The rules are weird. Well to be more specific, one rule is very strange. Page seven of 2016-2017 Student Handbook, under Entertainment, states, “R-rated movies have been a concern because the content of many of those movies is not compatible with the Christian standards…” and, “students may benefit from some guidance in making mature decisions about entertainment.” It doesn’t actually say R-rated movies aren’t allowed on campus. Now one might say, “Hey, that’s not even from the section about Movies!” Chances are since I’m continuing to write, the movie section in the handbook also doesn’t ban R-rated movies…Wait, what?

Yep, that’s right. The student handbook doesn’t even say R-rated movies aren’t allowed on campus. They literally just restated the quote I pulled out about it being a concern. See, look!

Now I am not saying all R-rated movies are all right, or that everyone can stomach the more gory or violent ones. I understand some people are sensitive to that kind of stuff. I also understand I’m nineteen years old and can make mature decisions not based on the actions I witness in a movie.
Not me this Halloween.

Definitely me this Halloween.

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