Saturday, October 1, 2016

"Memories" Reviewish

When the last donut's about to be taken.

This week at Signs and Wonders, I watched the movie Memories, or rather a collection of episodes in the Memories trilogy. When I’d saw the Facebook post describing the movie it made think of other items I’ve watched made up of different parts to fit a theme and made me excited to see this animated movie.

I’ll try my best not to spoil too much of the movie and would recommend watching it. Memories was made of three separate episodes. The first one, Magnetic Rose, was a sci-fi ghost story that was very enjoyable. Its theme felt obvious, but not in a bad way. There’s many surprises in this first episode.

The second episode in the trilogy was titled Stink Bomb. It was a very funny story even with its dark prospect. I’ll be honest though, I didn’t understand its connection to the theme of memories. I enjoyed it, but I didn’t see the connection.

Finally, we reach Cannon Fodder. This episode’s scenes are typically very long tracking shots. It was so weird at to see this that I was nauseous at first. Where Magnetic Rose’s  connection to memories is stated, Cannon Fodder’s is more left to you to realize.

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