Sunday, October 9, 2016

One Man Band

One Man Band

It started off with a one-man band playing for this girl’s coin. Then another man that has more and bigger instruments coming in trying to get the coin from him. It was this big competition between them upping the other one with bigger and better things. It was a battle to the point where the little girl couldn’t take it any longer. She started her own band of one instrument and got all of these coins from so many people. It relates to that we try to always become bigger and better than the next person. In reality bigger and better isn’t always the option and going back to the basics might be best. We get too caught up in having the next iPhone or the newest computer, but in reality there is nothing wrong with the one you have a sooner or later your Galaxy is going to explode and then what do you do. We just need to slow down sometimes and think rather than just act right away. In the end the bigger and better may not be anything compared to the thing you already know and have that works out without you needing to advance.

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