Sunday, October 9, 2016

Anger Management

I think it's funny the things we do when we are angry because it doesn’t matter how old we are; anger is an emotion that makes us say and do stupid things. We usually think that children’s reaction when they are angry is bad and aggressive, but I think adult’s behavior is worse. When a kid gets mad, eventually all the madness goes away and they forgive whoever harmed them. In the other hand, when an adult gets angry, he tends to hold a grudge. Some people have killed, raped, and harmed because of anger. It is easy to think that kids don’t have the enough tools to control anger because of their age, but do we have those tools?  If we have them, are we using them correctly? There are many things that we must learn from kids. Although they break things and they say hurtful nasty things, they know how to forgive as well. I think the power of forgiveness is the magical thing of childhood and we have to learn how to do it again. We have to manage our madness correctly.

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