Sunday, October 9, 2016

Finding Dory

A couple of weeks ago, I went and saw the movie "Finding Dory."  Going in to the movie, I wasn't sure how the director was going to tie "Finding Nemo" in to "Finding Dory."  The director did a great job of using flash backs in "Finding Dory" and he also did a good job of giving us a glimpse of what it was like for Dory growing up.  “Finding Dory” is a great movie for the family and a very fun movie to see if you are a Pixar fan!  The movie is no longer in theaters but I would strongly suggest either renting or buying this movie.  Before watching the movie, I was worried that the director was going to take Nemo and Marlin out of the movie and focus just on Dory, but he did a great job of keeping them in.  Nemo and Marlin were in the movie amount trying to help Dory find her parents.  I would give this movie four out of five stars.   

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