Thursday, October 13, 2016

Luke Cage

One interesting show I have been introduced to this week was the Netflix original show, Luke Cage. I have been trying to avoid Netflix super hero shows because I thought they would ruin the stories they are trying to tell. However, I have been pleasantly surprised by the shows I have seen parts of.  Shows like, Luke Cage, Gotham, and more, have changed my mind on the subject.
Image result for luke cage
I am already a huge fan of Gotham and watch it religiously, and now I may have to start doing it for Luke Cage.  The choreography is laughable some points, but that is more than made up for by the characters in the show. They do a very good job of having you get attached to characters in a very short time. The story itself is also very rich and doesn’t slow down for very long, which help keep your interest as a viewer.
 (There is a spoiler here!!!!!) One character in particular named Pops, is a very loveable character who you grow to like over his short time on the show. I had grown to love his character and was sad when he was no longer there. After the fact I was surprised to find out that he was only in the show for two episodes. 

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