Thursday, October 13, 2016


This morning I find myself questioning my views on reimagining’s and reboots of characters and their stories. I previously believed that after a character’s story is told and accepted by a majority of people, events that have already happened should not be available to be changed or modified.
At this moment I am talking about the super hero universes of DC and Marvel. However, as I have started to look more into why certain changes are made and how they are implemented, and I don’t have the same burning hatred for it as I did before.  One reimagining that has caused me to rethink my views is the Netflix original series Gotham.
I was not happy when this show started gaining popularity however, after finally watching some of it, I was hooked. The script is very well written and it doesn’t really change as much of the story as I had previously expected. I would be tempted to say that the show does more enhancing of the story, than drastic changes. Now, there are changes made to the story, but they not so big as to dissuade me from enjoying the story they are trying to tell. Probably my favorite part of Gotham, is that it is the story of Gotham, not Batman, but the city itself that would become the breeding ground some of the most iconic characters in comic and movie history.   

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