Saturday, October 15, 2016

Honest Trailers

Screen Junkies is a channel on Youtube and they have a segment called Honest Trailers and according to them those trailers are there to tell people the truth about their favorite movies or TV shows. Apparently these are trailers the producers don´t want us to see.

They have made a ton of these trailers and they are very funny and often open your eyes to things that happen in those movies that you just didn’t notice until told about it. They have made trailers about many blockbusters and some old classics. It´s always funny when they tell you about something that happens a lot in the movie that you never knew happened so often. Most trailers aim to make fun of the most obvious mistakes in movies and if the movie is bad they never hold anything back. Out of all the movie trailers there are very and I mean very few where they admit the movie is actually good or that they loved, the ones I remember that they say is good is the Dark Knight and Captain America: Winter Soldier, Star Wars (the original cut of the first movie, they really didn´t like the changes). Then there are movies that they just didn´t hold anything back, to mention some, the Twilight Movies, After Earth, Godzilla (1996), the Star Wars Prequels and many more.

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