Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Monsters University

One of the best prequels that Disney and Pixar has ever produced would have to be Monsters University. And it is not only because baby Mike Wazowski is the cutest creature this world has ever seen. It truly tells the back story to Monsters INC. The companies easily could have just made a sequel to it about Boo just to make more money, but that is not what this movie was for. It shows how  the lessons in this movie, I would venture to say, they almost surpass the lessons in the first one. Not only does it touch on bullying and the need to fit in, but it focuses on self confidence and reaching the potential that all of us have. Towards the end, Mike and Sulley find themselves in a sticky situation where they need to stand up for themselves, but they also need to prove to not only the others but to themselves that they are as amazing as they once thought. You have the little nerd who finds his strength in not scaring, but tactics. On the other hand you have the typical college student who's dad has a big name and thinks that he can get away with anything. He quickly learns that that mind set will not go over well. If you want a great childrens movie to enjoy as an adult, this is the one for you. 

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