Thursday, October 13, 2016

Monitoring Children's Media

As a child I never really got into watching cartoons or children's movies.  My favorite channel was ESPN, I was a little sports fanatic.  So in my scenario my parents never really had to monitor what I watched because watching an NBA basketball game typically doesn't get too inappropriate, unless you are good at reading lips then you might be able to pick up on a few new bad words here and there.  With this being said, I still think parents need to monitor the types of children media there kids consume.  There is a lot of media out there that most children these days probably shouldn't watch on a daily basis.  But, I think watching an episode here or there can be meaningful especially if the parent watches it with them and is able to identify to their children, what to take away from the message? what shouldn't he or she do after watching this? why it is inappropriate?  Overall, children learn so much from media I just think there are many parents that are concerned with what their children watch.  It is good that children stay away from watching inappropriate media but at the same time the child has to be able to learn from it so I am kinda in the middle on this topic! 

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