Sunday, October 9, 2016

Clowns Part 3

            I see all the tweets about clowns, but do people think of them all as real footage?  I mean come on, there are so many instances where it looks fake.  But, what if they are real?  We need to be protective of ourselves and take precautions for those people around us that we care about.  Everyone says they will go beat up the clown, but instead we should just walk and cause no harm because that is what the people who dress up as clowns want.  They want us to be scared and to act poorly.  They aren’t there to help us become better people.  They are doing it for their own pleasure of scaring people or getting into fights.

            Nobody will ever know what happens inside the minds of the clowns, but I know one thing, it’s horrible.  I read an article from CBS and the article said that there are real clown encounters, especially with the younger population, which is how it all got started.  Clowns tried to lure little kids into the woods late August and it has now come to what it is now.  Just be careful, if you can walk with someone at night, do it, and if you see a clown, turn around and go the opposite direction.  Don’t cause issues that you don’t have to cause.  Be the bigger person.  If you feel scared, or threatened, just call the police.  It’s not too hard to be safe.

Image result for clown sightings south carolina


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