Sunday, October 9, 2016

Clowns Part 2

Clowns are now making an appearance as scary killers that roam the streets of the country, which includes colleges, cities, highways, gas stations, and many other places maybe not looking to do any harm, but they are still there to give people a scare.  Now, when I think about a clowns roaming around the roads, I immediately think of danger.  Manchester University was on a minor lock down because of a clown sighting and many schools across the country have closed school because there have been threats of a clown attacking the school.  I wonder, will they really try to hurt, or kill random people? 

            This is now a sin, instead of just dressing up like a clown for Halloween and having a good time, there will be suspicion of every clown that looks tall enough to be an adult.   Whoever started this “clown crisis”, is to blame for all of the controversy that will be seen on Halloween.  But the bigger question is, why did other people hop on the train?  Because they thought it was cool?  That is not a good enough reason for me to be okay with this.  I think it is horrible just to dress up as a clown and scare.  My friend thought it was cool and said that he wanted to dress up as a clown and scare people.  I said, “Dude, you have a big possibility to get shot, hurt, or end up dead.”  With people nowadays, you never know what they’ll do to someone they find threatening.  That right there is our problem… We resort to scaring people to create violence.  This is a societal issue.

Image result for clown sightings

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