Sunday, October 9, 2016

Clowns Part 1

Clowns.  What are clowns?  To me, clowns are famous circus actors that are humorous and clumsy to make you laugh.  They juggle and tumble around the circus arena entertaining folks from young to old, but probably more the younger audience.  Then, I began to see the movies with clowns in them and thought okay, why are all of these clowns not portrayed in a circus.  Realizing that clowns are not always in a circus, I understood that they are just all around funny “actors” that go to little kid’s birthday parties and act like fools and play jokes on the kids to get them to laugh.  But this is when I was a young kid. 

            When I grew up, clowns were taken away from my hearing and rarely seen or heard of from my eyes and ears.  When clowns were mentioned, it was in Junior High and High School, but the clown talking’s consisted of “They scare the crap out of me”, “That’s my worst fear.”  I never found clowns scary or terrifying, even when they were put in movies.  Remember in Air Bud, when Buddy was a basketball star, there was a clown that was portrayed as the antagonist.  This was one of the first movies that I saw where a clown was portrayed as the evil character that no one liked.  In the “old days” clowns were funny people meant to make a laugh out of people.  Now they have become characters to portray evil, scary, and freaky emotions. 

Image result for clown scene air bud vineImage result for clown in circus

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