Monday, October 10, 2016

Childish Things vs. Society

The film Duel made me think of the fact that as kids we can imagine and believe whatever we want but when we become adults we cannot imagine anymore we have to act and think as society says is acceptable. We can only talk about the "mature" things not the dreams, day dreams, or imaginations. I feel like that is one thing that has made life so stressful now a days as we go through life because we cannot express anything imaginative. Kids live a care free life to where they can talk about anything they want and not be judged. If we took the unspoken rules of no talking about childish things life would be less stressful because if we didn't focus on work or anything more "adult" around people all the time over expressing more fun or imaginative things then the people could trade dreams plus imaginations could think about more fun things.

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