Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Clowns, clowns, Everywhere

Clowns are sighted everywhere right now. They are friendly. They are playful. They are sweet and kind. At least that is how we used to consider them to be.

Nowadays, clowns are a frightening monster lurking in the night. They have been running around causing a ruckus. Clowns are kidnapping children and chasing people with knives. It is genuinely scary to be in a world where what was a child's friend is now one of our biggest nightmares.

Just recently, clowns have been sighted here on campus at HU. People have gone "Clown Hunting" trying to figure out who is playing such a strange hoax on all of us here. At first it was thought that it was just a sports team trying to get some kicks and giggles out scaring people, but that opinion has changed rapidly since the start of the situation.

The clowns have supposedly chasing students on campus and carrying knives in preparation for an attack against a student.

It has come to the point where my roommate and I are sleeping with our lights on to make sure nothing comes in our room in the dead of the night.

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