Thursday, October 6, 2016

Censoring Freedom

Whenever it comes to censorship in my house, the phrase was "I think you're old enough, but I have to warn you..." It first started with the concept that the characters said some bad words, or someone was naked, or there is a scene where two people make love. The ending is sometimes spoiled by saying someone dies.
Censorship was based on whether or not my sisters and I could handle it, and my parents believed in discussing different subjects, like homosexuality, foreign policy, and war. In the ever-changing world, these are easy to bring up. The most important thing for parents should do is accept their children's beliefs, and my parents know I can watch a movie involving drugs knowing I won't submit to doing drugs.
Violence today makes a lot of people feel on edge, and everyone has their own way of dealing with it. Some people will just shoot it down, pretending like it didn’t happen. In my family we would talk about the recent event, and discuss why people might make bad decisions.
Censorship is common sense. You can watch a movie, read a book, or listen to some music understanding the contents and knowing it is just a fantasy.

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