Thursday, October 6, 2016


When it comes to children, everybody seems to worry too much about everything. One of the main things we worry about is what they see on TV or in movies.  Children absorb things like a sponge and that is why it´s not good for them to see just anything. But it is important that we don´t confine them to just one thing, they need to learn about as much as they can. The best way to teach children is to show them what they want to see. Today we have a lot of variety for children when it comes to shows or movies and many of them are educational and the good thing is that even if they are educational they still entertain them in a way that they want to watch it. I know for a fact that some of my little cousins love Dora the Explorer and they ask for it, which is really good because they can learn a lot from it. And then sometimes they just need to watch something just for fun like everybody does, not everything has to be educational.  

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