Wednesday, October 5, 2016


The most interesting part of “Master” Leeper’s lecture for me at least, was the animation done with sand on a light table. I get so tired of the idea that people should focuses more on adapting themselves to fit certain criteria and change how they do things so that they can match everyone else’s standards. It can cause a person to doubted themselves and their abilities. I myself often criticize my own work much more than those I choose to show it too. What I found so interesting was the story behind why the artist used sand to make the animation in the first place. They believed that they were not very good at drawing, but, rather than be discouraged and try something else because she didn’t meet her own expectations, she chose to create something new and amazing.

It was so refreshing to see someone find a way to overcome their own doubts and accomplish something in their own unique way. She thought her art wasn’t good enough, but now her own style of animation has allowed her and others to show a real gift as well as their creativity. Not only is this a great accomplishment, in my option, for  “succeeding where others thought you would fail” aspect of the story, her art is also very beautiful. 

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