Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Borrowed Time

I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and saw a short film shared, so being in this class, I looked into it.  It’s called Borrowed Time and is directed by Andrew Coats and Lou Hamou-Lhadj, who work for Pixar.  The film shows a man walking to the edge of a cliff and then goes into flashbacks, which shows the audience why the man is doing what he is doing.  The element of suspense was incorporated into the film, but it was not an overwhelming amount.  This animated film was great, not only because it was a good film, but it had a deep meaning.
            As I started watching the film, I realized that it was animated and almost didn’t watch it, but I am very glad I did.  It shows that animation doesn’t have to be just for younger kids.  The story line of this film is depressing, which I found strange coming from Disney, but I did some research and realized that Disney has made many depressing short films and movies.  I was very surprised by this finding.

            The film shows the man remembering the death of his father and it being his fault, even though it was accidental, as he was trying to save his father’s life, and accidentally shot him.  People may be able to relate to this theme as we often feel guilty when something happens to others.   For example, if we are driving a car and get hit by a drunk driver, we would still feel responsible for someone that gets hurt or dies.  Even though this film was very depressing, I was very impressed that Disney took ownership and produced this movie.  This helped me to realize animated films can bring out emotion (grief, joy, etc.) in everyone.  

Here is the link to the video:


Borrowed Time Poster

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