Sunday, November 13, 2016

Apparently I'm a White Supremist

Apparently, I’m a white supremist. The discussion you had in class last Thursday about the election really pissed me off. You basically accused anyone that voted for Trump as being a white supremist. That is NOT the case. Just because you voted for Trump does NOT mean that you voted for him because he is racist against blacks, Muslims, women, and people of the LGBT+ community. Some people take it too far and that is why they voted for him, but that’s not the case for most people. Both candidates were awful. But maybe, did you ever think, that maybe, people voted for Trump because they liked his policies. Maybe they wanted to get rid of Obamacare which is one of the worst things that Obama has done. Hillary just wanted to change it. Maybe people wanted the illegals deported so Americans could get jobs back. Building a wall might be a little excessive, but he has a good idea. If people want to live here, they should go about it the legal way. Trump may not support people of the LGBT+ community, but they cannot have their marriage rights taken away because that was something passed by the Supreme Court. The President does not work by himself. Just because Trump wants something does not mean that it will happen. He has to have his things approved through both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Quit talking about how bad of a president Trump is going to be, and give him a chance. He’s not even in office yet. They were both bad candidates. They both had good and bad ideas. It was about picking the lesser of the two evils. Some people picked Trump for his policies and not for his racist views!!!!! So, thank you for your opinion, but I am NOT a white supremist.

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