Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Why Do Act Out When We Get Angry?

After we watched the film in class today about a girl who had a temper tantrum in her room after something made her angry, it got me thinking as to why we act out when we feel angry.  Obviously, everyone handles their anger differently, but a common way to react is through abusive and destructive actions.  Personally, back in my high school days, I was a fan of wall-punching, cursing, and thing-throwing.  Let it be known that once I came to know Christ in college, these actions have definitely been controlled and handled. But after watching the film, I slightly understood why I used to act in such a way.  In my opinion, when we get angry, some outside force makes us feel small and helpless.  Because of my pride and ego, I felt a moral obligation to make myself feel big again. After punching a hole in a wall and seeing the damage that I am capable of, I guess I realized that I am not as small as that initial outside force made me feel.  Of course, this is a silly way to act because acting out of anger is incredibly selfish and overall unattractive to the outside eye. Another thing I realized is that we are sometimes stupid enough to damage the people or things we love due to our anger.  The girl in the film beat up her own stuffed animal during her tantrum, only to pick it up later out of love. Sometimes, we tend to reflect our anger onto our friends or significant others because we feel that since we are feeling tiny, we might as well make someone else feel tiny.  This is just and ugly way to go through life because Jesus would want us to handle all of our situations with love and grace. Romans 13:10 says "Love does no hard to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law."

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