Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Anger and Redemption

The film we watched today in class reminded me of how I used to act when I would get upset. Like, point for point. When I was younger, I had major anger issues. I don't really have the energy to do it anymore, but sometimes I still feel it. The thing I would get most upset would actually be media, most of all, sports teams and video games. If Matthew Stafford would throw an interception or another Lions player would screw up I would go ballistic. If I went from first to last place in Mario Kart, I would have to turn off the TV because I was yelling so loud. Even now, if something like this happens, I still get upset, but nearly as much as I used to. It can definitely still happen though. It jut takes a lot more. Now I need the Stafford to throw an interception every play and constant item spamming against me in Mario Kart to revert me back to my old ways. The girl in the film was very similar to the way I used to act. I would be crazy upset for ten minutes, throwing stuff, punching my tetherball, or just yelling. But then, like the girl in the film, would go right back into being normal. I'm glad that I have more patience than I used. It's just easier on myself. 😉

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