Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Finest Hours

I watched the movie “The Finest Hours” starring Chris Pine this past weekend.  In the movie, Bernie (Chris Pine) is a member of the U.S. Coast guard and is stationed in Massachusetts.  Bernie meets a girl and falls madly in love with her and they both end up coming to the conclusion that they want to get married on April 16th.  Since Bernie is a member of the Coast Guard, there are certain circumstances and rules that he must ask permission of his commanding officer to marry her.  When he goes to ask, his officer blows him off.  Bernie is then ordered to assemble a team to go rescue men on a sinking oil ship out in the unbearable storm.  The group of four men on the small boat save and bring back 32 men.

This film that is based on a true story is so well acted out.  The actors in this movie make the viewers feel their struggle and anguish throughout the entire thing.  This work of art is filled with action, drama, and suspense.  The fact that it is based on a true story makes viewers appreciate it that much more because it was portrayed in a way that you not only got a general understanding of the situation, but felt as if you were there yourself. 

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