Saturday, October 8, 2016

Killing the art attack

This week we watched a short film of a little girl who was very naughty and her strict parents were trying to change that from her, then her parents called her grandfather hoping that he would teach her how to behave, but instead he took her to a very colorful celebration where it was okay to be messy. We also watched a film of a girl who loved music and she liked to hit anything that came to her hands. Unfortunately, her father didn't like this, and he killed her dreams by scolding her. 

Parents are the ones in charge to make their children's dream come true, but sometimes they kill their children's dreams and desires. It is good to raise children for good, but it is extremely important to be careful when scolding a kid because that might hurt him for the rest of his life, and some scares are not easy to heal. The old 90's TV show Art Attack use to say that we don't need much to be become great artists and I believe that art is something that everyone needs. Kids love to paint, draw, sing, dance and many other mischievous behaviors that adults tend to think it is annoying, but once in a while we need to have  those art attacks and try behave like a kid.

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